Layouts/General Arrangements and Development of Statements/Scopes of Work
Engineering and Construction Cost Estimates
Title II Detailed Civil/Site Design (Drawings and Specifications)
Environmental Permitting
Site Plans
Utility Plans
Landscape Plans
Erosion and Sediment Control Plans
Erosion Control Inspections and Monitoring
Stormwater, Drainage, Hydraulics and Hydrology
Permitting for Land Disturbance, Utilities, and DOT Encroachments
Retaining Wall Design including Segmental Retaining Wall Design
Sheet Piling/Soldier Pile and Lagging System Analysis and Design
In-ground Culvert, Pit, Sump and Vault Design
Secondary Containment Structures
Water and Sewer Plant Design
GIS Mapping Services
Title II Detailed Structural Design
Assessments (Including FHA/VA/HUD Foundation Assessments)
Property Condition Assessments per ASTM
Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
Superstructure (Including Pre-Engineered Building) Foundation Design
Wind and Seismic Analysis, Design and Retrofit
Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete, Structural Steel, Cold-formed Steel, Masonry, Timber, Aluminum and FRP Primary (Super) and Secondary Structures
Crane Systems/Supports
Lift Device/Spreader System Analysis and Design
Equipment Foundations and Supports
Marine Structure Analysis and Design
Bridge (Pedestrian and Vehicular) and Abutment Design
Tower and Sign Design
Pipe Bridge Design
Facility Retrofit and Rehabilitation
Seismic and Wind Design of Mechanical Equipment Curbs and Piping (Including HVAC, Electrical, Fire Protection and Process) Supports
Cold-Formed High Strength Tube Steel (Carport-type) Structures Analysis/Design